The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023

Fri Apr 21 2023

TL/DR: Unlock the power of digital marketing and audience targeting! Learn how you can use demographics, interests, location, behavior, retargeting, lookalike audiences, contextual targeting, and more to maximize your reach.

marketing audience-targeting

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The Good Fellas Agency The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023

Audience targeting is a powerful tool that can help businesses reach their ideal customers more effectively. It involves selecting and segmenting audiences based on demographics, interests, location, behavior, retargeting and lookalike audiences, contextual targeting, device type targeting, connection speed targeting, and content targeting. Search engine advertising also plays an important role in audience targeting by allowing businesses to place ads based on keywords related to their products or services. By using these strategies together in combination with other marketing tactics such as email marketing and social media campaigns, businesses can create targeted messaging that resonates with the right people at the right time.


The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- demographic targeting

Demographics help businesses find the right people to show their ads to. They look at things like age, gender, where they live, and what they are interested in. This helps businesses show the right ads to the right people.


When marketing, using age is one of the most powerful tools to connect with your target audience. By including an age limit in the targeting of your ad, you can make sure that it only shows up for people in the right age range. This helps businesses ensure they show their ads to the right people and get more successful results from their campaigns.

Google Ads allows advertisers to target audiences in a variety of ways, including by age. With Age Targeting, businesses can segment their audience by the age range that best fits their needs. For example, they can focus on Millennials (ages 18-34), Generation X (ages 35-54), Baby Boomers (ages 55-74) or Seniors (ages 75+). Additionally, businesses can also choose to target an even more specific age range, such as targeting adults aged 18-24 or 25-34 for example. This allows them to hone in and focus their campaigns on an even narrower demographic. By using Age Targeting, businesses are able to better understand who is viewing their ads and tailor their messaging accordingly to reach the right people at the right time.


You can use a person's gender to show them the right ads. This means that you only show ads to people based on whether they are male or female. You can make sure that the ad only shows up for people who are the right gender by setting a limit in your targeting. This helps businesses make sure they show their ads to the right people, so they get better results from their campaigns.

Facebook allows marketers to target their ads based on gender. Through the Facebook Ads Manager, advertisers can target users by selecting “male” and/or “female” as an option in the audience targeting section. This means that they can show their advertisements to only men, only women, or both sexes. Additionally, Facebook also offers more granular targeting options for gender with the ability to target users based on specific age ranges and genders (such as 18-24 Males, 25-34 Females, etc.). This type of demographic targeting helps businesses create more effective campaigns by tailoring their messaging to the specific audiences who are most likely to be interested in their products or services.


Digital marketers can use race as a demographic targeting option to reach the right audience for their message. For example, brands may choose to target African American audiences in order to specifically promote their products and services to a group that may have unique needs or interests not addressed by general marketing campaigns. Additionally, some businesses use race-specific ads in order to address issues of representation in the media. This type of content is often used to showcase diversity and inclusion within their company or industry, while also showing support for minority communities.

Race-based advertising can be used across multiple channels, including social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. On these sites, advertisers are able to select race as an option when creating a target audience and then refine their search based on other characteristics such as age, gender, location, lifestyle and interests. In addition, businesses may also choose to focus on certain types of racial groups such as Hispanic/Latinx, Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI), Native American/Alaskan Native etc., which allows them to create more specific campaigns tailored toward particular demographics.

Search engine advertising is also another way marketers can take advantage of race-based targeting. With Google Ads' affinity audiences tool, advertisers are able to select “African Americans” as one of the options for selecting an audience for their campaign. This helps them ensure that all traffic coming from this segment is directed toward relevant content that speaks directly to this community's needs and interests.

By leveraging race-based marketing tactics, businesses are able to better communicate with diverse audiences in an authentic manner that resonates with their experiences and concerns. By doing so, they can create meaningful connections between themselves and potential customers that lead to higher engagement rates and conversions over time.

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Income can be used as a powerful tool to target an audience with ads when done correctly. For example, advertisers may wish to target those in higher income brackets for luxury goods and services or those in lower income brackets for bargain products and services. By doing so, advertisers can customize their messaging to reach their desired customers.

Many digital advertising platforms have tools that allow marketers to target users based on income levels. Google Ads allows marketers to use “household income” as one of the targeting options for campaigns, enabling them to include or exclude certain household incomes from their target audience. Facebook Ads Manager also offers the option of targeting users based on their annual earnings by selecting “household income” in the demographic section of the targeting options. This gives businesses the ability to show ads only to people who fit within a certain range of earnings.


In addition, marketers can also use psychographic data such as occupation and job title in order to further refine their targeting efforts by income level. For instance, they may want to only show ads related to luxury items or travel packages specifically to high-level executives, while discount offers might be better suited for employees in lower-income jobs or positions. By understanding how different audiences might respond differently to different messages, brands are able to speak more directly and accurately with potential customers based on their financial situation.

Using income as part of their targeting strategy helps businesses create more effective campaigns that result in higher conversions from people who are most likely interested in what is being promoted. It is important however that companies are aware of potential legal implications when using such information and ensure they comply with relevant advertising laws and regulations when creating campaigns with segmentation by income level.

Marital status

Marital status is another factor that can be used for targeting people for advertising, as it can be an indicator of different demographics and interests. For instance, businesses may find it beneficial to target unmarried individuals for products or services that cater to single people such as dating websites, singles cruises, or packages to single-friendly destinations. On the other hand, married couples are more likely to be interested in products and services that support their lifestyles such as childcare services, family vacations, shared home ownership and financial investments.

Another way marketers use marital status when targeting their audience is by highlighting benefits such as discounts or special offers that only apply if a person is married. For example, some car insurance companies offer lower rates if customers are in a married couple or living together with their partner. Similarly, hotels often offer special discounts for couples on romantic getaways or honeymoons.

Finally, marital status can also be used to segment audiences according to whether they have children or not since parents might be more interested in products and services related to parenting than non-parents are. Consumers who are parents may be interested in baby items such as strollers and high chairs while those without children may prefer ads showing them taking part in activities like traveling and sporting events. By understanding how different audiences respond differently to different types of marketing messages based on their marital status, businesses will be able to create campaigns that speak more effectively to the right people at the right time.


Nationality can be used to target potential customers in a marketing campaign. Companies can tailor their advertising messages to different cultures and nationalities, emphasizing benefits that are applicable to each group. For instance, companies with multinational reach may want to focus on localizing campaigns for different countries or regions in order to better capture the attention of people from those areas.

In addition, businesses looking to expand into new markets could use nationality as a way of targeting potential consumers in particular countries by tailoring ads and promotions specifically for them. This type of targeted ads could also be used to promote events or services related only within certain countries such as music festivals and sports tournaments.

Finally, using nationality when creating ads is an effective way for brands to appeal emotionally to their target audiences by focusing on cultural values shared among certain groups of people such as language, religion and traditions. By understanding the nuances between different cultures, marketers will be able create more effective messaging that resonates with the intended demographic on a deeper level.


Religion is an important factor when it comes to marketing campaigns, as it can be used to target potential customers by showcasing shared values and beliefs. For example, some companies have used religious symbolism in their ads to appeal to people with a particular faith. This type of marketing can be powerful in helping a company connect with its target audience on an emotional level and can help increase conversions by resonating with customers on a deeper level.

Other companies have employed religion-specific messaging during their campaigns, such as the use of Biblical references or passages that evoke particular spiritual or moral values. This kind of messaging can be highly effective in influencing consumer behavior, particularly when used by brands whose products resonate with those same values.

Finally, some businesses have even gone so far as to create whole campaigns designed around religious holidays or celebrations. This type of campaign is especially effective if the holiday holds special significance to the target audience, as it allows companies to tap into both their consumers’ religious beliefs and their festive spirit. For instance, during Christmas many companies create specific ads that emphasize traditional Christian values like family togetherness and giving back to the community. Similarly, during Easter campaigns may focus on the resurrection of Jesus or other religious themes related to that holiday. Such campaigns allow brands to not only connect with their target audience on a spiritual level but also capture more attention from potential customers due to the holiday season’s increased activity levels.

Utilizing religion when creating marketing campaigns is an effective way for businesses to target potential customers who share similar beliefs and values and has been proven successful at increasing conversion rates in various industries. By understanding how different religions celebrate and view certain holidays, businesses will be able to craft more effective messages that appeal emotionally to their audiences while remaining compliant with any legal regulations regarding advertising within certain countries or regions.


The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- Interest targeting

Interests can be a highly effective way to target potential customers in marketing campaigns. Companies typically use interests to help them identify the preferences, hobbies and passions of their target audiences. By understanding what people are interested in, marketers can tailor ads, promotions and events that appeal directly to those interests.

Companies can also use this data to create content that resonates with particular hobbies or activities such as sports or video gaming. This kind of segmentation can be especially useful when it comes to branded apparel or merchandise as customers tend to be much more likely to purchase products related to activities they enjoy participating in regularly.


The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- location targeting

Location-based targeting can be an effective way for companies with multiple locations to reach their desired audiences. For example, a company could use location-based targeting to tailor ads that are relevant to each city they have stores. These ads could feature discounts or promotions specifically tailored to the local area that encourages customers to visit the closest store.

In addition, companies can also use location-based data to personalize marketing messages for customers located in certain areas. This could include providing regionalized product recommendations based on customer preferences as well as customizing content like emails and newsletters with local information such as upcoming events or attractions near their stores. Companies can also leverage geofencing technology to send push notifications or SMS messages at certain times of day or when certain conditions are met (e.g., when a customer enters the vicinity of one of their stores). This type of targeted messaging is valuable for companies looking to capture more attention from potential customers who may be nearby but unaware of their presence in the area.

Google My Business is a tool that companies can use to help them with their digital marketing. It helps the company connect with people who live in certain cities, states, or countries and shows ads that have been made just for them. Companies can also target people who are interested in certain activities and show ads related to those hobbies.

Behavioral Targeting

The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- Behavior Targeting

Companies have a range of targeted marketing methods available to them. By utilizing data-driven insights collected from customers, businesses can create highly personalized campaigns tailored to reach the right audience at the right time. This could include location-based targeting to connect with local customers, behavioral targeting to identify potential customers who have expressed interest in similar products, and social media channel analysis to pinpoint those already likely to be fans of a company’s brand or product line. Through carefully collecting customer data and creating segmented audiences based on their preferences, companies can craft powerful campaigns that will help increase engagement, drive sales and boost brand recognition. With the right tools and strategies in place, targeted marketing can be a powerful tool for any company looking to stay ahead of the competition and reach its goals. Let's look at a short list of how companies use data to target people based on their online behavior.

1. Collect data on how users interact with a website or mobile app in order to create targeted advertising campaigns based on user behavior.

2. Using web analytics and machine learning algorithms to target potential customers who have expressed interest in similar products and services as those offered by the business.

3. Targeting potential customers who have recently visited competitor websites for specific product categories, providing them with more relevant offers from the business’s own website or store locations.

4. Creating personalized ads that are triggered when certain key behaviors (such as online searches) are identified, allowing businesses to make their advertisements feel more personal and increase click-through rates significantly compared to general banner ads or other less-tailored marketing techniques.

5. Using predictive analytics to anticipate what customers may be interested in and presenting them with relevant products or services they might not have noticed otherwise.

6. Targeting customers who are likely to make a purchase soon based on their past behavior, providing them with the incentive to buy now rather than wait for an offer that may never come.

7. Re-targeting potential customers who have abandoned their shopping carts or shown interest in certain products but have yet to make a purchase, increasing the likelihood of closing a sale.

8. Leveraging data collected from social media channels (such as Facebook Likes or Twitter Retweets) to identify people who may already be fans of a company’s brand or product line.

Retargeting & Lookalike Audiences

The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- Retargeting and Lookalike audiences

Retargeting is when companies use data about how you have used their websites or apps to show you ads that are tailored to your interests. Companies can also look for people who like similar things and show them ads related to those hobbies.

Lookalike audiences are when companies look for people who like the same things. They show them ads about those hobbies so they can buy something.

A company can use retargeting and lookalike audiences to better serve ads to potential customers in a number of ways. For example, a retailer could utilize their website data to identify customers who have recently viewed specific products or services but have not made a purchase. This retailer could then retarget these potential customers with special offers or discounts related to the items they have indicated an interest in.

Another example is using lookalike audiences to expand reach within a certain demographic. By collecting data on existing customers’ interests, purchases, and behaviors, companies can create “lookalike” audience profiles that target users with similar interests and purchasing habits as those of their current customer base. This allows them to find new potential customers with much greater accuracy than traditional advertising methods.

Additionally, companies can use retargeting and lookalike audiences to test the effectiveness of different ad campaigns within the same target market before investing in larger-scale campaigns. By offering different ads (such as image-based versus text-based) to a smaller segment of similar people, companies can quickly measure which kind of campaign resonates best with their desired demographic and adjust accordingly for future campaigns.

Overall, retargeting and lookalike audiences offer powerful tools for companies looking to better serve ads to potential customers that are tailored specifically for each individual's unique interests and needs. Utilizing this targeted marketing strategy helps businesses increase engagement, drive sales and boost brand recognition among their target demographics in an effective manner that was not possible until recently.

Contextual Targeting

The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- Contextual Targeting

Contextual targeting is a digital marketing strategy that uses contextual clues to narrow the audience for an ad campaign. By leveraging user data related to the context of their browsing activity, companies can better target ads to customers who are more likely to be interested in their product or service offerings. Some examples of how a company could use contextual targeting include:

1. Analyzing website visitors’ recent search and purchasing histories in order to create an ad campaign tailored specifically to those users’ interests and needs.

2. Leveraging data from the user’s geographic location in order to present them with localized offers or promotions that are only available in their area.

3. Utilizing real-time news updates or breaking stories as part of the content for an online ad in order to keep it timely and relevant for current events or trends.

4. Tracking customer behavior on a website and serving up ads related to products or services they may have recently viewed but not purchased yet.

Device Type Targeting

The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- Device Targeting

Device-type targeting is a digital marketing strategy that uses a user's device type in order to serve up tailored ads. Companies can use this technique to tailor their campaigns for different devices and platforms, in order to maximize the reach of their message and increase engagement.

For example, if a company is looking to market an app that is only available on mobile devices, they can target users who are browsing on those devices in order to ensure that their ad is only seen by people who are likely to be interested in downloading it. Similarly, they could target desktop or laptop users with an ad specifically designed for those platforms.

Companies can also use device-type targeting to optimize their ads for different formats. For example, they could adapt their ads based on the size of the device being used - serving up larger images or videos for TVs or tablets, while displaying smaller versions on mobile phones. They can also take advantage of unique features such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for certain devices, creating immersive experiences that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

Additionally, companies can leverage device-type targeting to offer better customer service. By using data from the user’s device type, companies can anticipate what kind of help may be needed and provide assistance accordingly - such as providing extra support for those using older operating systems or offering suggestions based on the specific model being used.

Overall, device-type targeting provides companies with another tool to deliver more targeted ads and better customer experiences across multiple devices and platforms. By optimizing content for various formats and leveraging unique features available on certain devices, companies can maximize the reach of their campaigns while ensuring they remain relevant and engaging for every platform they target.

Content Targeting

The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- Content Targeting

Content targeting is another digital marketing strategy that can be used to create more effective ad campaigns. This approach involves analyzing the content of a website or other online platform in order to better target ads to specific customers. By leveraging data related to the topics of interest and browsing habits of their target demographic, companies can optimize their ads for maximum engagement and ROI.

For example, a clothing retailer could use content targeting to display ads featuring their latest collection on fashion blogs and websites, as well as on webpages discussing the latest trends in style and design. Similarly, an electronics company could target tech blogs with ads highlighting their newest products or technology tutorials featuring their devices. In both cases, these businesses are leveraging contextual clues related to the topics being discussed in order to show users relevant ads that they are more likely to be interested in.

Another way businesses can use content targeting is by personalizing the ad copy for each user based on their interests and browsing history. For instance, if a customer had previously looked at a certain product on a company’s website but hadn’t completed their purchase yet, they could be served up an ad containing information about special promotions or discounts related to that item. This can help encourage them to complete their purchase as well as increasing brand loyalty by providing them with an individualized experience tailored specifically for them.

Finally, businesses can use content targeting for retargeting campaigns by displaying ads related to products or services users have already viewed on other websites or platforms. This way, companies can make sure the user is reminded about their product when they are most likely to be interested in making a purchase - such as when visiting similar sites with related offerings - which can lead to higher conversion rates and sales volumes.

Overall, content targeting provides businesses with another powerful tool they can use when creating digital marketing campaigns. By analyzing the context of user interactions across multiple platforms, companies can display highly targeted ads that are more likely to result in increased engagement and conversions.

Search Engine Advertising

The Keys to Perfect Audience Targeting in 2023- Search Engine Targeting

Search engine advertising provides businesses with a cost-effective way to reach a larger audience and generate more leads. This type of marketing offers increased brand recognition, improved targeting capabilities, and higher conversion rates due to its ability to display ads only to users actively seeking out the products or services offered by the company. Additionally, search engine advertising campaigns tend to be cheaper than traditional digital marketing efforts, making it ideal for businesses with smaller budgets looking for an effective way to increase online presence and sales.

1. Increased Brand Recognition: By targeting users searching for specific keywords related to your product or service, you can increase recognition of your brand and help build a more memorable presence online.

2. Improved Targeting Capabilities: Search engine advertising allows businesses to target potential customers with greater precision by displaying ads only to those who are actively seeking out the products or services they offer.

3. Cost-Effective Advertising: Ad campaigns placed in search engines tend to be considerably cheaper than other forms of digital marketing, allowing companies with smaller budgets to reach larger audiences without breaking the bank.

4. Higher Conversion Rates: Because search engine advertisements are targeted towards users already interested in what you have to offer, they often result in higher conversion rates compared to other types of digital marketing efforts due to their laser focus on leads most likely ready and willing to purchase from you right away.


In conclusion, audience targeting is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their ideal customers and create conversions. Combining these advanced strategies with other marketing tactics such as search engine advertising, email marketing, and social media campaigns is an effective way to reach the right people at the right time with targeted messaging. Bottom line: if you are looking to capture attention and generate leads, employing an audience-targeting strategy may be the best way forward to reach new heights in business success. Why not give it a try? Get started today by reaching out to the Good Fellas Agency - they can help you bring your target audience within reach and capitalize on potential by connecting them with your products or services.

Andew Buccellato - Owner of Good Fellas Agency

Andrew Buccellato

Hello! I'm the owner and lead developer here at The Good Fellas Agency. I've been working with code for the past 10 years and started this business over 5 years ago. I mostly write about how Web Design, Digital Marketing, and Search Engine Optimization help your business grow.