TECHmas Day 6: DigitaLift

Sun Dec 18 2022

TL/DR: Learn how to leverage reviews and ratings in your marketing strategy. Acknowledge the power of customer feedback, build trust among prospects, increase conversions on your website. And much more!

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The Good Fellas Agency TECHmas Day 6: DigitaLift

Good Fellas 12 Days of Techmas- Day 6: DigitaLift

DigitaLift- Trust and credibility Through Ratings

As a business owner, you know how important it is to have a good reputation. Customers are more likely to trust and do business with companies that they perceive as credible. In today's digital world, one of the best ways to build trust and credibility is through online ratings and reviews. Platforms like Google, Facebook, and Yelp make it easy for customers to leave ratings and reviews about their experiences with businesses.

A recent study by Podium found that 70% of consumers say that positive online reviews make them trust a local business more. Furthermore, 52% of consumers say that positive online reviews make them more likely to visit a local business. Ratings and reviews can therefore have a significant impact on your company's bottom line.

If you're not monitoring your business's ratings and reviews, now is the time to start. DigitaLift can help you get started. By gathering customer feedback and managing your online reputation, DigitaLift can help you create an exceptional customer experience that will build trust, credibility, and long-term relationships. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed.

Why online ratings and reviews are important

Ratings and reviews are one of the most important sources for customers when making informed decisions. In today's world, ratings and reviews play a crucial role in options such as selecting services, products, financial decisions, and more. They provide an added layer of confidence to ensure that customers are getting the best value for their money. They also serve as an avenue for businesses to understand customer needs better and make improvements accordingly. Additionally, ratings and reviews can also be used by companies as a marketing tool to showcase their quality products or services to potential customers. Overall, ratings and reviews have become an indispensable part of our decision-making process, due to their proven effectiveness in improving the overall buying experience.

Good Fellas 12 Days of Techmas- Day 6: DigitaLift layout

How can fake reviews ruin the credibility of a business?

Fake reviews can have a devastating effect on a business's credibility and reputation. Without genuine, honest reviews, customers and clients may be unable to develop an accurate opinion of the quality of goods or services offered. Additionally, when a business is forced to respond to faked reviews, it may appear insincere or desperate in its attempt at damage control. The public displays of apologizing for every single “unhappy” customer can show a lack of confidence in their products or services which could lead consumers to look elsewhere for goods and services. DigitaLift ensures that you can get accurate information from your customers and gives you the ability to fix a bad review before it happens.

How Does DigitaLift helps

DigitaLift helps companies manage ratings, reviews, and customer feedback in one place. This ensures that there is no data siloing, allowing companies to gain a holistic understanding and overview of their ratings, rating trends, and customer feedback quickly, making it easier to identify opportunities for improvement. With the ratings managed in one place, companies can easily monitor rating performance over time and act fast on opportunities to make a positive impression on customers. DigitaLift’s online dashboard also provides transparency into rating management processes through granular analytics, helping teams stay informed and proactively manage rating activity.

How much does DigitaLift cost?

DigitaLift is an essential resource for businesses that want to get immediate feedback from their customers. Starting at just $500 per location, this tool allows companies to monitor reviews quickly and take action on any potential problems that arise. This way, businesses can be proactive in relationship management and keep customers satisfied in the long term. With DigitaLift, organizations can reap the benefits of rapid reviews without spending a fortune.

What are some ways businesses can improve their rating?

As businesses strive to stay at the top of their game, they must collect feedback and ratings from their customers to ensure they know how they are performing. Gathering input through surveys, reviews and customer service follow-up can provide insights into what works well and what could be improved. Additionally, a business should be sure to respond to any negative feedback in a timely manner, as this can go a long way in improving ratings long term. Overall, businesses that collect ratings and feedback will be better equipped to understand their customers’ needs and offer the best products and services.

In Conclusion

Overall, ratings are important for businesses because they show credibility, improve customer experience and increase organic reach. Businesses should be transparent with their reviews and take the necessary steps to improve their rating if need be. What are your thoughts on business ratings? Are online reviews something you consider when making a purchase? Let us know in the comments below!

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