What is Structured Data

Fri Sep 29 2023

TL/DR: Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your business website? Discover how to implement structured data to enhance your SEO, increase click-through rates, and improve user engagement. Don't miss out on these effective strategies to boost your website's visibility in search engine results!

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The Good Fellas Agency What is Structured Data

Technical SEO Strategy Guide for Beginners

Improve the technical aspects of your site for optimized search engine crawling and indexing based on site speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data, and XML sitemaps.

Structured data, a term that perhaps sounds somewhat enigmatic, is in reality, a crucial component of our digital world that we interact with on a daily basis. It is the invisible engine that powers our online experiences, from web searching and online shopping to data analysis and AI applications.

But what exactly is structured data, and why is it so important in the world of Search Engine Optimization? Let's dive into the world of structured data and discover how it shapes our digital interactions and why it's important for your business.

Understanding the Basics of Structured Data

Structured data is the backbone of our digital, data-driven experiences. It powers various online platforms and is integral to complex applications such as data analysis and artificial intelligence. This section aims to clarify the concept of structured data, explore its essential features, and highlight its role in shaping our interactions in the world of Technical SEO.

What is Structured Data?

Structured data is information or data that is organized in a way that is easily decipherable by machines. It adheres to a predefined and highly regimented format, making it easier for search engines and other computer systems to comprehend the content. For instance, think of a spreadsheet where data is neatly arranged into rows and columns, or a business inventory list with consistent categories like product name, SKU, price, and quantity. Such organization and consistency in the formatting allow machines to swiftly understand, sort, and use this data.

Why is Structured Data Important?

The significance of structured data lies in its efficiency and precision. In the business context, structured data can streamline operations, aid in decision-making, and drive growth strategies. It allows machines to quickly parse large volumes of data, enabling tasks like trend tracking, identifying sales patterns, and customer behavior analysis, which are invaluable for effective business strategizing. Furthermore, in the digital marketing realm, structured data assists search engines in accurately indexing and displaying your business content, improving visibility and drive customer engagement.

What Is The Role of Structured Data in SEO?

The role of structured data in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is pivotal. When structured data is used on a website, it provides search engines with explicit clues about the content's meaning. This enables the search engine to not only crawl the information more effectively but also to display it in a compelling way in search results.

This is particularly beneficial for businesses as it enhances visibility in search results, potentially increasing click-through rates and driving more traffic to your website. The use of structured data can lead to the appearance of Rich Snippets, or enhanced descriptions (like reviews, images, prices) under the search result, which inevitably attracts more user attention.

What is structured Data?

How Structured Data Benefits Your Business

Structured data plays a pivotal role in business operations by streamlining processes, aiding decision-making, and driving growth strategies. It also significantly impacts SEO, enhancing website visibility and traffic by providing search engines with explicit context about the content. The use of structured data can lead to the appearance of rich snippets, attracting more user attention, and potentially increasing click-through rates.

How Does Structured Data Enhance Search Engine Visibility?

Structured data allows search engines to better understand and interpret the content on your website, which in turn improves your website's visibility in search results. By using structured data, you are essentially providing explicit clues about the meaning of your content, which can result in more accurate indexing. For instance, if you have an e-commerce website, structured data can help display specific product details directly in search results, making your site more attractive to potential customers.

How Does Structured Data Improve Click-Through Rates?

By implementing structured data, you can enhance the way your website's content is displayed in search engine results. It allows for the creation of Rich Snippets, which can display additional details such as reviews, images, or product prices. These enriched descriptions make your search results more informative and compelling, which can significantly improve your click-through rates (CTR). In other words, when users see more detailed information in search results, they are more likely to click on your site.

How Does Structured Data Boost Conversion Rates?

Structured data not only improves your visibility and click-through rate but can also lead to higher conversion rates. Better visibility means more people visit your site, and richer search results mean that these visitors are more qualified and interested in your offerings. When users arrive at your site after seeing a detailed and helpful Rich Snippet, they're more likely to make a purchase or fill out a form, thereby increasing your conversion rates. In essence, structured data can help you attract the right kind of traffic, leading to more conversions.

Types of Structured Data Business Owners Should Know

The three most common data structures that are currently out there are RDF.a, JSON-LD, and Microdata. Each are used in different areas of web design and development so take a moment to read each of them to see which one applies best to your business.

What Is RDF.a Structured Data?

RDFa, or Resource Description Framework in Attributes, is a method of embedding structured data in HTML documents. It's a way of annotating visible content on web pages so that machines can understand it. For a business owner, think of RDFa as tags or labels that help search engines, like Google, understand the content on your website. This improved understanding can enhance how your website appears in search results, potentially driving more traffic to your website.

What Is JSON-LD Structured Data?

JSON-LD, or JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is another format for structured data that is highly recommended by Google. It's a method of embedding structured data in the script of a web page. Unlike RDFa, JSON-LD allows you to place all of your structured data in one block within the HTML document, so it doesn't interfere with the website's content. As a business owner, using JSON-LD can help search engines better understand your website's content and improve its visibility in search results.

What Is Microdata Structured Data?

Microdata is a type of structured data that works by annotating content within HTML documents. It's used to nest metadata within existing content on web pages. For example, if you run an e-commerce business, you can use Microdata to provide details about your products that are visible to search engines but not necessarily to users. These details can then be used by search engines to display rich snippets in search results, which can result in improved click-through rates.

Why Structured Data Matters For Your Small Business

Implementing Structured Data in Your Business

What Are Some Tools for Implementing Structured Data?

There are several tools available to assist business owners in implementing structured data on their websites. Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper facilitates the process by guiding you step-by-step in adding structured data to your site. Schema.org is a collaborative project that provides a collection of shared vocabularies webmasters can use to mark up their pages. Other tools such as Merkle's Schema Markup Generator or Yoast SEO's structured data content blocks for WordPress can also be beneficial for creating and embedding structured data.

What Are The Best Practices in Using Structured Data?

When implementing structured data, it's important to ensure the data is accurate, relevant, and representative of your website content. Avoid misleading representations and keep the data up-to-date. It's also essential to test your structured data using tools like Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure it's correctly implemented and can be understood by search engines. Lastly, use standardized formats for structured data (RDFa, JSON-LD, Microdata) that search engines are capable of reading.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid?

Avoiding common mistakes can enhance the effectiveness of your structured data implementation.

  • Incorrect Structured Data: Avoid using inappropriate or irrelevant structured data for your content. Knowing when and where to place this data is key.
  • Inaccurate Information: Providing misleading or inaccurate information in your structured data can lead to penalties from search engines. These penalties are often hard to overcome and can take months to recover.
  • Invisible Content: Avoid marking up content that is not visible to users. This is a strict black-hat technique that will get you banned from multiple search engines.
  • Syntax and Format Errors: Incorrect syntax or format can make it difficult for search engines to understand your structured data. Always ensure your data uses the correct syntax and format.
What schema types are in structured data?

What Schema Types Does Your Business Need?

Local Business Schema

This is crucial for any small business, especially those with a brick-and-mortar location. It helps to accurately represent your business information like name, address, operational hours, and contact details, which can significantly boost your local SEO.

Product Schema

If your business sells products, this schema allows you to provide detailed information about each product such as price, availability, and reviews. This can enhance the visibility of your products in search results, and drive more shoppers to your site.

Review Schema

This schema lets you display customer reviews and ratings for your products or services directly in the search results, enhancing credibility and encouraging click-throughs.

FAQ Schema

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) schema can significantly enhance your SEO by allowing your FAQ content to appear directly in search results. This can provide immediate value to searchers, improve click-through rates, and potentially increase the time spent on your site.


Implementing structured data is not just an option but a necessity for businesses in this increasingly digital landscape. It boosts your website's visibility and comprehensibility to both users and search engines, which can significantly impact your SEO performance. Understanding and correctly using RDFa, JSON-LD, and Microdata can unlock a wealth of opportunities for your business, from improved click-through rates to enhanced visibility in search results. However, applying structured data requires a certain level of technical expertise and understanding of your business needs.

If the process seems daunting or you are unsure where to start, remember that assistance is just a click away. At The Good Fellas Agency, we are committed to helping businesses navigate the digital terrain. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process of implementing structured data effectively, ensuring your website achieves maximum visibility and your business reaches its full potential. If you need help with structured data, we are here to make it happen. Dowloand our Technical SEO Guide For Beginners to start your journey now!

Technical SEO Strategy Guide for Beginners

Improve the technical aspects of your site for optimized search engine crawling and indexing based on site speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data, and XML sitemaps.

Andew Buccellato - Owner of Good Fellas Agency

Andrew Buccellato

Hello! I'm the owner and lead developer here at The Good Fellas Agency. I've been working with code for the past 10 years and started this business over 5 years ago. I mostly write about how Web Design, Digital Marketing, and Search Engine Optimization help your business grow.